Project Management in Atlanta

Deliver Exceptional Projects

You’ve got a high-stakes project coming up — or maybe it’s already underway! Success is vital. We partner our experience with your organizational knowledge so you can avoid costly mistakes and achieve the results you want.

How Can We Help Your Project Succeed?

Choose from our focus areas below:

RFP Development

“I want to capture requirements and/or develop an RFP.”

Plan & Execute a Project

“I want to get help planning and/or executing a big project.”

Project Health Assessment

“I want to understand the current health of a project.”

Prepare the Organization for Implementation

“I want to prepare my organization for implementation.”

Improve Project Team Dynamics

“I want to improve the way our project team(s) operates.”


Are your organization’s priorities changing constantly, without clear rationale? Are your project teams making decisions reactively, based on the pressures of the moment, rather than clear evidence or objective criteria?

Are you frequently surprised by stakeholder needs or objections?

These are the symptoms of a “Ready, Fire, Aim!” approach to project management, an all-too-common way of thinking and acting that can create costly results for your organization.

At The Persimmon Group, we help organizations achieve the perfect-for-them balance between adaptability and execution discipline—a nimble “Ready, Aim, FIRE!” approach that enables quick, rational decision-making that not only responds to rapid change but also anticipates and leverages it for strategic advantage.

Change is coming. Are you ready?


Work with our interdisciplinary team of experts to solve your toughest project management challenges.