Conduct a Project Health Check

Do you have a nagging suspicion -- or know -- that your project is at risk of not meeting expectations? We help you objectively assess project performance to pinpoint the root causes of challenges, so you can take rapid action to fix the problem and prevent similar issues in the future.

Common Problems We Solve

How We Help

You know the “symptoms” of a struggling project; we can help you find the solution. Whether your project is routinely missing deadlines, over budget, or has your stakeholders stressed or frustrated, we can help pinpoint the root causes and provide simple steps to bring your project back to full health.​

  • Isolate the previously hidden root causes of your project challenges​
  • Implement action plans to quickly course correct, to achieve the desired outcome​
  • Put safeguards in place to protect your project from future disruption​

Top performers know that mentorship can dramatically accelerate growth. We can be your mentors in project management, providing an invaluable 3rd party perspective to maximize your capabilities and advantages, while minimizing your weaknesses or challenges. As a result of our work together, your PMO will be able to perform like never before.

  • Uncover hidden challenges that could sabotage long-term success​
  • Develop a roadmap to rapidly grow your PMs’ capabilities​
  • Compare your practices to industry benchmarks to identify strategic improvements​

Meet Some Of Our Consultants


Principal Consultant

As a coach and project management professional, Abbie is skilled at facilitating conversations, listening and understanding the root cause factors that can affect project success. Her secret sauce is her ability to create an atmoshere of psychological safety with clear accountability measures.

Katherine Simpson

Senior Consultant

Katherine has knowledge and skill gained over 20 years of experience in leading project management organizations and coaching team members. She knows the indicators to look for when teams aren’t delivering results, and how to take action to put them back on track. Mentorship is in her DNA. 


Senior Consultant

Leading complex projects in highly regulated industries has provided David with the perspective needed to help teams uncover hidden issues and risks. As former president and region mentor of one of the largest PMI chapters, David is well-versed in industry best practices and mentorship techniques. 


Work with our interdisciplinary team of experts to solve your toughest project management challenges.