AI Could Transform Your Business…This Year

If you’re only thinking of AI as a faster way to generate writing, you’re thinking too small.

This week, Fortune Magazine declared: “Every Fortune 500 business needs a chief AI officer.” But the impact of AI won’t be limited to big business. All organizations will likely see an exponential increase in the number of tools available to bring AI into our daily work.

Leaders need to be ready.

Despite the buzz about ChatGPT’s role as a text generator—disrupting schools and businesses with text often indistinguishable from a human writer—the AI tools emerging now can do so much more.

To turn AI into an opportunity rather than a disruptor, it’s essential, even urgent, to think big about ways we can use AI to transform our organizations—empowering us humans to realize their full potential too.

So, let’s talk about it.

Here are five ways AI is ready and able to do more for your organization right now:


1. Ok, yes…AI is a tool for content creation. But did you know that AI can adjust its copy to fit your genre, purpose, and even desired tone of voice? Provided your team understands how to write good prompts, the humans on your team can chat with AI to write, revise, and polish all kinds of copy—from quick emails to proposals to marketing copy.
(PS—want to get your team learning how to engineer prompts early? We love this free mini email course from AI Exchange!)

However, as you start to use AI for content creation, it’s important to stay up to date on the emerging ethics debate about how, when, and how transparently you should use AI in your work.

2. AI can help you do repetitive, low-complexity tasks faster: AI or no AI, people are still our organizations’ most valuable resource. When we use AI to automate or assist in operational tasks and processes, we free up people to focus on higher-value tasks that require human judgment and creativity.

And automation isn’t just for individuals seeking more productivity. Companies of all sizes are implementing automation now. For example, we are currently working with a mid-sized organization to save employees time searching for technical documentation. By integrating their documentation with ChatGPT, employees can get tailored guidance and documentation based on what they are trying to do (in plain English) vs. search terms that may or may not yield beneficial results.

3. AI can predict likely outcomes: AI can help identify trends and patterns in data that we might overlook otherwise. Many software systems companies use today are already integrating predictive analytics functionality to determine which products are likely to sell best, uncover and map out customer preferences, and optimize supply chain operations.

4. AI can improve customer service: AI can provide quick and personalized responses to customer inquiries in real-time. While AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants handle routine customer interactions, your human customer service teams have time to address more complex issues that require a human touch. Additionally, AI can analyze customer interaction data to identify patterns and improve the customer experience over time.

5. AI can help you make better decisions: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify correlations and causal relationships, and provide insights that are difficult for human analysts to uncover. By incorporating AI into your decision-making process, you can make more informed and data-driven decisions.

How to do that? You can start by using “persona prompts” in ChatGPT. Using prompts like the ones listed here, you can tell ChatGPT to act as almost any kind of expert. Then, have a conversation with them. People are using this for everything from industry analysis to prepping for job interviews. (Plus…it’s fun!)


The bottom line, it’s difficult to think of an area of business where AI doesn’t already have a significant impact. Embracing AI, increasing your teams’ competence in using it, and strategically incorporating it into your business environment can give you a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing business landscape.

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