Executive Coaching for Teams

If you’re ready to challenge the way your leadership team thinks, transform the way it works, unlock its capabilities and sustain peak performance, our team of executive coaches and business advisors are ready to help coach your team to next-level performance.

How We Help

Does your leadership team live in the details, constantly dealing with the “issues of the day,” rather than resolving the question: Where are we going and are we on the right path?

We’re here to help a) identify what keeps you and each of your leaders up at night b) to resolve them as a team, and c) to proactively address potential risks to prevent them from becoming your issues of the day.​

  • Gain awareness of trends in your markets, workforce, and culture to turn them into meaningful opportunities​
  • Shift from wasting time in the “weeds” to consistent, strategic action​
  • Ensure the organization is aligned and proactively “moving the needle”​

Our team coaching program focuses on your leaders working as a cohesive team, instead of individuals who interact only when needed.

From strategic alignment to understanding disruptive trends that may affect your company, we challenge your team in their thinking and their interactions to provide practical changes that will take them–and your organization—to the next level of performance.​

  • Get your leadership working as a team, instead of individual functional owners potentially working against each other​
  • Take advantage of strategic trends and shifts, together​
  • Strengthen how the team solves problems and aligns through collaborative decision-making​

Your organization is changing or evolving, and you want to enhance your leadership team’s knowledge and skills. The greatest challenge is that you don’t know what you don’t know and what questions you should be asking.

And, what should you be watching for? How can you maintain efficiency and control as your organization grows?

Our job is to partner with you to minimize the disruption of the unknown while creating a smooth path from point A to point B.​

  • Rapidly increase your team’s skills and knowledge with our Advisors’ experience and expertise​
  • Identify and overcome your leadership team’s most problematic blind spots​
  • Improve how your leadership team performs–today and for the future​

Empower Your Team

Partnering with Persimmon’s advisors will enable your leadership team to Always Be Evolving.


Develop a strategy and implementation plan for your team to become more adaptive, focused & effective.


Develop the discipline and rhythms vital to becoming a high-performing team.

Professional Development Programs Tulsa


Identify the underlying imbalances that cause inconsistent results in your team.

Leadership Team Coaching Programs

We provide three tiers of support designed to engage teams at different phases in their development. All of our team coaching programs are delivered over twelve months.

Custom arrangements are also available.


Facilitated session to define your team’s and organization’s direction in a collaborative environment.

Advisor-facilitated topical sessions to address your team’s highest priorities.

Focused sessions to assess progress on the strategic outcomes and adjust if needed.

Take advantage of Access to TPG Advisors outside of formally scheduled meetings.


Facilitated session to define your team’s and organization’s direction in a collaborative environment.

Advisor-facilitated topical sessions to address your team’s highest priorities.

Focused sessions to assess progress on the strategic outcomes and adjust if needed.

Take advantage of Access to TPG Advisors outside of formally scheduled meetings.

Focused working sessions with a Persimmon Advisor on a specific business issue or critical need.


Facilitated session to define your team’s and organization’s direction in a collaborative environment.

Advisor-facilitated topical sessions to address your team’s highest priorities.

Focused sessions to assess progress on the strategic outcomes and adjust if needed.

Take advantage of Access to TPG Advisors outside of formally scheduled meetings.

Focused working sessions with a Persimmon Advisor on a specific business issue or critical need.

Assess the culture and perception of your Leadership Team to optimize strategic improvements.

In-depth look at the progress being made and addressing if any adjustments need to be made to the strategy.

featured advisor
Bill Fournet Headshot

Bill Fournet

CEO of Persimmon Group

“A team’s ability isn’t determined by how they handle the good times, but in how they respond to the tough ones.”

Well Worth It.

“In collaboration with TPG we created a year-long leadership development program for our team. Each session, led and facilitated by TPG, covered various topics which we had jointly identified as development needs. Because of TPG’s efforts, our leaders are better positioned to execute on our strategic objectives. The time and investment were well worth it!”

Greg Gallant

CEO & President, Tulsa Federal Credit Union

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us so we can help you determine the best program for your desired speed, scope & depth of support.

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