Project Management for Organizations

Deliver Exceptional Projects Across Your Organization

Whatever your specific challenge, we partner our experience with your organizational knowledge to provide a fresh perspective and uncover the best solutions.

How We Help

How can we help you? Choose from our focus areas below:

Deliver Better Projects

“I want to get better project management results.”

Implement Agile Approaches

“I want to adopt agile at
my organization.”

Evolve a PMO

“I want to promote leading practices at my PMO.”

Improve Project Prioritization & Portfolio Management

“I want to improve the way we prioritize projects.”

Prepare The Organization For Change

“I want to better prepare my organization for change introduced by projects.”

Our PM Consulting Approach


Every year, organizations make project commitments‒to customers, leadership teams, shareholders, and employees. But even the most mission-driven companies can experience challenges delivering on those commitments, especially in times of significant growth or rapid change.

When an organization is ready to amplify its project management capabilities, one of the costliest mistakes it can make is to invest in expensive technologies or massive transformations without the fundamentals in place to ensure they are successful.

That’s why at The Persimmon Group, we use a “Crawl, Walk, Run” approach.

Here's How It Works


After using the Star Model to get to know your organization and its desired outcomes, we work with you to identify the actions that will deliver maximum value earliest‒so you can get immediate relief and support for your most critical issues.

A focus on “quick wins” enables your organization to achieve early success while gathering critical real-time feedback about what is working, what isn’t, and where adjustments are needed before larger investments are made.


Next, we’ll build upon your early wins, implementing high-impact improvements that enhance your key strengths while shoring up any gaps that exist in your processes, capabilities, or structure.

These initiatives will lay the groundwork needed for your most ambitious initiatives to be successful.


With all the needed infrastructure in place, your organization is ready to “run”! In this phase, we will support you in implementing your stretch goals, providing the help you need to achieve peak performance at your organization.

From major technology implementations to structural reorganizations to agile transformations, we can help you achieve next-level success while safeguarding your organization from unnecessary risk.

Project Management Insights